Hydralyte Sachet 10 pk Orange


Hydralyte is an oral rehydration solution which is scientifically formulated to replace electrolytes lost due to, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, heavy sweating and other dehydrating conditions.

Compact and light to carry, Hydralyte Electrolyte Powder sachets are a family first aid necessity. Each pack comes with a convenient 200 mL measuring cup.

When to start taking Hydralyte:

Hydralyte may be taken on the first signs of fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhoea. Hydralyte may also be taken to help manage dehydration due to the loss of fluids through heavy sweating, this can be caused by a hot or dry environment, fever or strenuous exercise. Hydralyte also helps to restore fluid lost as a result of the diuretic effect of alcohol and is best taken before you go to bed.

Signs of dehydration:

Sticky or dry mouth, increased thirst, decreased or dark yellow urine, lethargy.

Who is most at risk of dehydration?

Dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhoea can be dangerous in babies, children under 5 years old and the elderly

Hydralyte Electrolyte Powder Sachets are suitable for the entire family, including babies, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.










Mix Hydralyte immediately before required.

1. Fill measuring cup to the (200mL) graduation line with fresh, cold drinking water. (For babies under 6 months it is recommended that freshly boiled and cooled water be used).

2. Empty contents of one sachet into the measuring cup and stir the mixture until the Hydralyte powder has dissolved.

3. Sip slowly and frequently while symptoms persist.

4. Discard unused solution after 24 hours. Avoid mixing Hydralyte powder with cordial, fruit juice, soft drink or sports drink as these can interfere with the rehydration process or worsen the dehydration.


In 4.9g (average mass) of powder:

  • Sodium chloride 0.53 g,
  • Potassium citrate 0.44 g,
  • Anhydrous citric acid 0.88 g,
  • Anhydrous glucose 2.91 g [br] Product also contains: Orange colour (110), natural flavour and nature identical flavours, sucralose


Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than:

  • 6 hours in infants under 6 months
  • 12 hours in children under 3 years
  • 24 hours in children aged 3–6 years -48 hours for adults and children aged over 6 years

Store below 30oC

Warning contains:
0.86 mg/mL potassium,
1.03 mg/mL sodium